Problems when my MIDI Controller is disconnected

• Aug 29, 2024 - 14:44


I am having an issue where when I use Musescore with my MIDI Keyboard Controller plugged in, everything works perfectly but when I do not have it plugged in, the Musescore file with start freaking out and then the application will crash. I am using a Macbook Pro laptop and need to be able to use Musescore without my midi controller being connected but I don't want to have to clear my MIDI preferences every time. Someone please let me know if there's anything I can do.

I have a screen recorded video of the problem but the forum wont let me upload it.


You can attach a .ZIP file to the forum, so zip your video and you'll be able to attach it.

If you are disconnecting (or connecting, for that matter) your Controller while MuS is running, that will definitely cause a problem. Make all changes to sound equipment while MuS is NOT running! (HTH!)

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