(Solved) Problems entering Nashville notation

• Aug 29, 2024 - 18:32


I'm trying to enter Nashville notation for a song. I've read the corresponding chapter in the handbook, of course (https://musescore.org/en/handbook/4/chord-symbols#nns).

Entering the numbers 1 to 7 works fine. But I'm trying to figure out how to enter raised symbols for extensions, for example 'maj7', '7' etc. Also, I'd like to be able to specify if triads are minor like '4m' if, for example I need to write a minor subdominant. The chapter in the handbook displays examples of some of this, so I'm thinking it should be possible. I'm also wondering if it's possible to specify non-diatonic chords, using 'b' or '#'

I've tried writing for instance '17' & '1maj7' for extensions and '4m', '4min', '4-' to specify a minor triad (and also 'dim', 'aug', '+' etc). When leaving edit mode (if that's the correct term) everything following the first number disappears, visually. Entereing regular chord symbols seems to work as expected.

I've tried right-clicking (everywhere), using modifier keys like CTRL, ALT etc. Also I peeked at the Nashville text style to see (if I could understand) if something could be changed there. I've perused the Properties panel. Also I've tried searching this forum, Youtube etc. But I haven't found a solution.

I'd really appreciate a helping hand!

The above on: OS: Windows 11 Version 2009 or later, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore Studio version (64-bit): 4.4.0-242390800, revision: 0fcd11b

I'm a relatively new Musescore user (and overall I really like the program!), so I apologize in advance if I've overlooked something basic!


Nashville Number entry works just like regular chord entry. Type the number, then the extension, then press space to move on and the chord will be finalized for you. You shouldn't need to do anything special.

Standard practice for non-diatonic chords is to put the sharp or flat before the number to avoid confusion. I've attached an example measure for you. All I did was select the first quarter note, then chose Add->Text->Nashville Number from the menu and typed in the chords normally.

If this isn't working for you try updating the app to the most current version, and make sure the format of your chord symbols are set to "Standard", not "Jazz". The nashville number implementation in Musescore is designed to work only in standard format for some reason. You can change the font to a handwritten one elsewhere if you desire that look but in Format->Style->Chord Symbols it needs to be set to "Standard" to work correctly AFAIK.


In reply to by Al Loast

Thanks You for answering, I appreciate it.

Yes, my assumption was/is, that Nashville Number entry should work like reg chord entry - like You describe it. But for some reason, using std. chord symbols format, when pressing space everything but the number disappears - be it accidentals, slashes, abbreviations, numbers. This is with latest version (details included in my first post).

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thank You so much for answering.
Apparently, I mistook the buttons "Literal" and "Jazz" in the Properties panel for "Style". But delving into Format -> Style and change "Chord symbols" from "jazz' to "standard" fixes this. Nashville numbers appear as they should.
The background for this happening (which I forgot to mention my first post) is that I started with the template "Jazz Leadsheet", which of course has the Chord symbols style set to "Jazz".
I'm sorry to have bothered You both with my rookie mistake, and at the same time very grateful for Your replies. I'd never found the solution without them.

In reply to by arbogast

Glad this worked for you! This is not a "rookie mistake" at all, it's a fairly obscure shortcoming of how Nashville Numbers are implemented in the codebase. They SHOULD work in all styles, and some users experience no issues, but apparently in some installs on Mac this extension-vanishing behaviour persists when using the jazz style for chord symbols. I had to do a deep dive into the github troubleshooting discussion page to discover the style change fix. A caveat about using the correct style for chord symbols should be added to the NNS section of the manual IMO.

In reply to by Al Loast

Yes, it would be nice if it worked with the jazz style as well. But I can't imagine the complexity involved, developing a music notation program. It must serve so many different needs. So... I'm tipping my hat to You, and others with a factual understanding of 'codebase', 'github' and such

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