YouTube VideoScores created w/v4.4.0.24239... do not track/scroll. Earlier versions still work

• Aug 31, 2024 - 12:51

Although this bug report crosses topics between the MuseScore application and the website 'Send To YouTube' function, it appears to be directly related to the MuseScore application version above.

Scores created with version no longer scroll when sent to YouTube to create a YouTube VideoScore. Earlier versions (prior to 4.4 continue to work as expected.

VideoScore created with v4.4x:
VideoScore created with v4.3x:


In reply to by TheHutch

It only happens on this specific version of MS (MSv4.4). All previous versions (MSv3.x and below) continue to work as expected. To me it seems like an issue with the website application that was a direct result of the application change to version 4.4 so I posted it in both places. I created a ticket on the website and I created a ticket here in the forum. Probably a good idea if your two teams communicated with each other. So that issues like this don't just result in finger pointing to say, "not my problem it's theirs". Regression testing changes would also be a really good idea to prevent widespread outages on aversion change like this. I would hope that we all learned something from the recent CrowdStrike incident. I've learned to turn off MS automatic updating.

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