Musecore 4.4 don't react to shortcuts

• Sep 1, 2024 - 19:24

After updating to Musescore 4.4 I can only add intervals above the note, not under it. The menu works as it should but the keyboard shortcut only adds intervalls above the note. Other keyboard shortcuts are also broken even if I type them correctly. I'm on MacOS 12.7.6


What shortcuts have you set for add intervals below?
Per default there are none set

It I set eg. Ctrl+Alt+5 for 5th below, it works, in Windows 11 at least

But yes there are multiple issues with shortcuts, some ever since 4.0, some new with 4.4

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I had it set up to control-alt 3 and that worked for my previous version but not for 4.4. I use the MacOS on screen Accessibility keyboard to set up a floating palett of shortcut buttons, that execute the shortcut commands. That didn't work with the shortcuts I had programmed in it. But I solved it. I had to change the commands and execute them once from the menu first for it to work with the buttons.

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