Second volta(ending) indented, but without clef and key signature

• Sep 4, 2024 - 18:59

In a leadsheet with 4 bars per line, I put the 2-bar second ending on a separate line to avoid congestion.
I use a horizontal frame to align the first and second endings.
But I get the clef and key signature at the start of the second ending. I'd prefer just a barline.
Can this be done?

This is on MuseScore 4.3.2 on Windows 11. Thanks....


On the Properties tab of the horizontal frame, there is a checkbox labeled Display brackets, clefs and key signatures in the next measure. However, unchecking it does not appear to have any effect.

Anyone else have any suggestions???

Attachment Size
20240907 1436-HFrame.mscz 22.05 KB

Select clef and key signature and press "v" to make them invisible. If you want to have a barline at the start of the bar select in the menu Format->Style->Barlines "Barline at the start of a single stave".

In reply to by kuwitt

" that checkbox seems to be exactly what I was looking for. Unfortunately it doesn't work "
It works if the horizontal frame separates two measures within the same system, not if it refers to another system.

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