Note to barline

• Sep 6, 2024 - 04:03

Friends, how can I change the distance from the last note of a measure to the following barline? It's too far away and I want the last note to be closer to the bar. Changing the Format > style > measures > note to barline changes nothing about the score.


Yo, it's probably an overall proportionality issue since the space to the barline is also contingent upon the horizontal spacing of a system. Consider sharing a screenshot/score to manifest more precisely what "it's too far away" specifically describes.

P.S. you can perform negative offsetting in the appearance tab of the properties panel(MSS4)/inspector(MS3) manually if it's a singular situation

In reply to by worldwideweary

Ah ok yeah, I had 2 measures on the line and it would not move. But with 4 measures per line it does work. But that's not what I want. I'm writing a psalm tone for a church project, and I wanted the final note to be at the very end of a long measure, in order to leave room to fit more text. But that's not possible due to the mandatory proportionality. Only 1 syllable is needed on the final note.

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tone image.png 19.08 KB

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