rhythmic slash notation plays the entered notes

• Sep 11, 2024 - 20:04

Some odd behavior with 'toggle slash rhythmic slash notation'. By default I understand that whatever notes and rhythmic values I enter first, before toggling, are not supposed to playback when the bar(s) are toggled to rhythmic slash. In some places in my score it works like that. The Cmd-K chords play with no note sounding, but in other places, the notes play along with the cmd-K chords. My entry process is the same thorough out. What am I missing? Many Thanks!! [Mac 14.6.1 / MS]


In Slash notation, under the heading "Creating rhythmic slash notation", it says ...

To notate a specific rhythm, use rhythmic slash notation. By default, these slashes do not play, but you can override that if you wish to enter specific notes or chord voicings you want to hear even though they will be turned into pitchless slashes in the notation.

Based on your description, I'm guessing that you inadvertently turned on Play for some of the notes under the rhythmic slashes. Perhaps you turned it on at some point, forgot to turn it off, and copied THOSE notes to several places. *shrug*

Might be worth while to toggle the rhythmic slashes off (so you see the notes). Select all the notes and disable the Play checkbox on the Properties tab. Then toggle rhythmic slashes back on.

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