Musescore 4.4.0

• Sep 12, 2024 - 16:57

Some files, produced with Musescore 4, couldn´t be opened.


In reply to by Tapio.K

"Hebt an" and "Hört auf ihn Tauflied" stem from MuseScore 4.2,1, so yes, they won't open in older versions. But they opens just fine in 4.4.1
"Hoerst du nicht Chor" stems from 4.1.1, otherwise same as above

All can get opened by my MuseScore 3.7 Evolution, so you may want to give that a try... see
Another hint, to be able to open newer 4.x scores in older 4.x versions: see Older versions of MuseScore 4 can't open scores from newer versions (of MuseScore 4)

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