Multiple Volta Repeats

• Sep 12, 2024 - 23:08

Is there a way to make the volta repeats repeat more than one repeat? I saw this page: but still can't get it to work.

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511 All That Thrills My Soul.mscz 44.17 KB


1) Open the measure properties in measure 20 and set the play count to 4.
2) Remove the repeat barline in measure 21 (4th volta) and add a final barline there.

In reply to by paulysguitarjournal

Since it ends with the same notes in the last measure, you only need play count = 4 in the measure properties and no voltas; yes.
But if you want voltas there, you need to set the play count in measure 20 to 4 as well. And you have to remove the end repeat sign of the final bar line from measure 21!

And you should read the chapter before:

Enclosed the score - modified with 3.7.

Attachment Size
511 All That Thrills My Soul.mscz 20.98 KB

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