Musescore playback extremely slow and glitchy (4.4.1)
Updated to Musescore 4.4.1, and that was only when playback started to sound bad. While I was adding notes, they sounded very slow and glitchy. When I played the piece over, the playback was slow and glitchy, and the play bar thingy moved very slowly. I did notice that it was still mainly holding the same tempo, but just at a much slower BPM. I use Linux so is there something I can do to fix problem?
same issue after updating to 4.4.1
In reply to same issue after updating to… by interyoon
Then try 4.4.2
In reply to Then try 4.4.2 by Jojo-Schmitz
problem is, it automatically updated 4.4.1, and when I run "check for updates" it doesn't recognize updates and says that 4.4.1 is the most up to date. i guess next step is uninstall and reinstall 4.4.2
In reply to problem is, it automatically… by interyoon
Update via Muse Hub then
In reply to Then try 4.4.2 by Jojo-Schmitz
after uninstalling, and re-installing to 4.4.2, problem persists... :(
In reply to after uninstalling, and re… by interyoon
All of the 4.4 variants (including 4.4.2) have a problem with forgetting the sample rate after a while. I am constantly having to go to the audio preferences to reset the sample rate after several minutes. It will suddenly play in a glitch-like fashion, extremely slowly, making an echo effect... I reset the sample rate and then it's fine. Then it does it again. I reported the bug... but it seems to be a Linux branch problem (therefore low priority). I foresee it persisting for many more versions to come.
In reply to All of the 4.4 variants … by cfirwin3
Did you report it on github? Could you send me a link to your issue?
In reply to All of the 4.4 variants … by cfirwin3
I'm going to try this.
In reply to after uninstalling, and re… by interyoon
What OS are you using? Linux? If not, please ensure you have 0.100.3 MuseSampler (you can check the version in Diagnostic / Muse Sampler / Check Muse Sampler). Have you tried changing the buffer size (Preferences/Audio & MIDI) to 4096? If nothing helped, please log the problem on github:
In reply to What OS are you using? Linux… by rpudashkin
The OP is using Linux. I use Linux so is there something I can do to fix problem? There is no new musesampler.
While I was adding notes, they sounded very slow
Setting buffer to 4096 will only make it slower. I have 128.
In reply to The OP is using Linux. There… by graffesmusic
You might have the same issue with the sample rate as the person above. Does changing it to 48000 (Preferences/Audio & MIDI/Sample rate) help? If not, please attach your diagnostic files (Diagnostic -> Save diagnostic files). And you didn't have this issue in 4.3.2, right?
In reply to You might have the same… by rpudashkin
I don't have the problem.
The OP said: I use Linux so is there something I can do to fix problem? and While I was adding notes, they sounded very slow
And i said: Setting buffer to 4096 will only make it slower. I have 128.
(and i would certainly not post my diagnostic files here for everybody to read.)
In reply to You might have the same… by rpudashkin
Hi I'm the OP. Thank you so much for helping me resolve issue. I tweaked around with the settings and found that by increasing buffer size, the audio became clear and normal again. Thank you again!
In reply to Then try 4.4.2 by Jojo-Schmitz
Actually, it's on updating to 4.4.2 that I experienced the most glitchy playback. The app is practically unusable because I cannot properly play back, unless I export and listen that way.
I'm actually looking for a way to roll back to 4.4.1. Is that possible? There were a couple of small playback glitches but it was barely noticeable.
In reply to Actually, it's on updating… by rogerjhenry
Okay, Update. Based on a comment from a user on another user I tried resetting the audio buffer size, and this seems to have helped with this.
Anyone else still having similar problems?
I am. I'm on Linux Ubuntu and the playback is acting up. Same problems with versions 4.2. and 4.4.
Running AppImage.
At times the playback is normal for a few measures and then it gets choppy again. Changing buffer size makes it sound choppy in a slightly different (but not better) way.. cpu/memory/hdd is not at 100% (edit: cpu/mem/hd usage actually below 50%).
In reply to Anyone else still having… by fransfelix
Seems like AppImage was the problem. With Flatpak version, everything runs smoothly!
In reply to Seems like AppImage was the… by fransfelix
Flatpak has a lot os (other) issues though and is not supported here
In reply to Flatpak has a lot os (other)… by Jojo-Schmitz
What do you mean, is not supported here?
In reply to What do you mean, is not… by fransfelix
I mean what I say. Here on (and for Linux) only the AppImage is supported
In reply to I mean what I say. Here on… by Jojo-Schmitz
You mean if there are problems, users are on their own?
I was about to write about how there is no disclamer telling people that in the download section, but then I noticed there is - but it's only visible if you happen to click a tiny grey arrow.
Maybe all this is common knowledge to most linux users, but I had no idea.
I'll continue using Flatpak until the playback problems on AppImage get resolved.
Out of curiosity, what sort of problems are there with Flatpak?
In reply to You mean if there are… by fransfelix
You mean if there are problems, users are on their own?
Yes. Or need to report and seek support at a different place, like to the FlatPak maintainers
Out of curiosity, what sort of problems are there with Flatpak?
Quite a few. They do build it wrongly, in Debug mode rather than in Release mode, without a Git SHA, and link it with the wrong Qt versions
Increasing buffer size, in Edit>Preferences>Audio, fixed it for me.
Playback was always super glitchy in Musescore 4 until I did that