Musescore playback extremely slow and glitchy (4.4.1)

• Sep 13, 2024 - 22:35

Updated to Musescore 4.4.1, and that was only when playback started to sound bad. While I was adding notes, they sounded very slow and glitchy. When I played the piece over, the playback was slow and glitchy, and the play bar thingy moved very slowly. I did notice that it was still mainly holding the same tempo, but just at a much slower BPM. I use Linux so is there something I can do to fix problem?


In reply to by interyoon

All of the 4.4 variants (including 4.4.2) have a problem with forgetting the sample rate after a while. I am constantly having to go to the audio preferences to reset the sample rate after several minutes. It will suddenly play in a glitch-like fashion, extremely slowly, making an echo effect... I reset the sample rate and then it's fine. Then it does it again. I reported the bug... but it seems to be a Linux branch problem (therefore low priority). I foresee it persisting for many more versions to come.

In reply to by rpudashkin

I don't have the problem.
The OP said: I use Linux so is there something I can do to fix problem? and While I was adding notes, they sounded very slow
And i said: Setting buffer to 4096 will only make it slower. I have 128.
(and i would certainly not post my diagnostic files here for everybody to read.)

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Actually, it's on updating to 4.4.2 that I experienced the most glitchy playback. The app is practically unusable because I cannot properly play back, unless I export and listen that way.

I'm actually looking for a way to roll back to 4.4.1. Is that possible? There were a couple of small playback glitches but it was barely noticeable.

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