Stems and Flags visibility always synced between score and parts

• Sep 15, 2024 - 11:24

Hello all, this thing pushed me to write my first forum post. I hope I'm on the right place, I think it's a bug... I tried to reproduce the problem and simplify it. The problem is killing me...

My situation:
I have a score and 4 parts. I want to write cue notes in one of the instruments (so the player knows what another instrument is currently playing). I want the cue notes to be INVISIBLE in the score (where it is useless, because the score contains all the instruments below it) and VISIBLE in the part. I write the cue notes in voice 2 so that the rests (or notes) that are the true part of the current part are visible at the same time.

My procedure in MuseScore:
In the SCORE, I write the rests into voice 1 (because the player isn't playing anything at the moment). Into voice 2, I write the cue notes (copy from a different part). I set everything in voice 2 as invisible (and also as Cue size and grey color).
I go from the score to the PART and select everything in voice 2. I uncheck "Synchronize mith main score: Style/appearance and Position (because I also want to change the stems direction so the cue notes are not overlapping the regular notes)" and set everything as visible. When I go back to the score, the lines and flags are back-synced to the score.

So it is not possible to have different visibility in score and part for stems and flags.

The file is brand new (no conversion), OS: Windows 11 Version 2009 or later, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore Studio version (64-bit): 4.4.1-242490810, revision: 0b3dd00

Am I doing something wrong? Is this a bug? I attach the image of my score and the part.

Thanks a lot for the answer!

Attachment Size
Clipboard01.png 94.58 KB
Clipboard02.png 62.13 KB


Hey, was this issue ever solved? I have been having the same exact issue. I have been looking all over for just a streamlined answer on adding cues and not having these issues and haven't found one. This seems like a really important thing!

I find that clicking on the "visible" box in the properties tab to check or uncheck it often does unexpected things which pressing v on the keyboard does not, even though pressing v causes the "visible" box to check or uncheck.
So if clicking on the "visible" box doesn't do what you want, or does do what you don't want, try pressing v instead.
I would have expected clicking on the "visible" box and pressing v to have exactly the same effect but I have discovered that they do not. Perhaps the MuseScore people have made it different on purpose, which could be why hovering over the "visible" box doesn't open a little window with further explanation and the keyboard shortcut in the same way that, for example, hovering over the tenuto button opens a little window saying "Tenuto (Shift+N)"

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