Wanted: click-through chord inversions

• Oct 16, 2014 - 12:25

I wish MuseScore recognized standard chords and their inversions and offered a way to click through the inversions when the chord was highlighted.

Or maybe it could be a plug-in.

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Do you mean, you want a way to click a chord written in one inversion, and have it offer you a choice of alternate inversions that you would then select between? Seems like a pretty special-purpose feature, probably better offered as a plugin. Meanwhile, I assume you know you can select any note and hit Ctrl+Up to raise it an octave? So it's already just a few clicks to invert any chord any way you want.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Well, I do think it would be nifty. You say special-purpose, but I spend a lot of my time in MuseScore trying to transcribe the chords right. I wish there were various shortcuts to do so. That would also possibly include a pull-down list of common 3-4-note chords for each of the clefs for piano, for instance.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Being a beginner not sure what this would look like or being able to interpret the OP's requirements but here's a go:

1. Where there is a "fake book" chord written above the treble stave then be able to one click the chord named into the bass stave in root position.

2. By selecting a chord with one click change it's inversion.

3. Maybe some more options...

I do like this suggestion. I often write out an arrangement in one key, and then when I change keys I don't want to hear it too bassy or too trebly (my kids playing guitar always play it wherever, it's more for my listening as I'm writing).

I am searching for a cool way to add triads or 7's and their inversions. I am a learner and my Jazz teacher get's me to learn chords by getting me to make the beat with the bass chords whilst I play the RH melody. Is there a plugin now for this or how can we get one made? Thanks.

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