How to move notes from bass staff to discant staff

• Sep 18, 2024 - 06:57

This is very universal problem, but still: not working solution.

I convert chorales "accordion compatible". Choral book notes are for organ. It is easy to play with button accordion, but much more easy it is, if "convert" it to accordion.

Cruel base work before real work is: import pdf to musescore- it is easy, photo with camera, then pdf and import.

Mainly in chorales lowest notes in bass are for feets. So in nutcell, "keep lowest bass notes in bass staff and move all other to upper staff".

Ok. It looks easy. But all jinx not work.

  • Copy & paste not work
  • Select bass note, "cut- ctrl-X", "select any note from discant staff", "ctrl-v, ctrl-v" and all this type jinx not work
  • Select bass note and shift+ctrl and arrow-up not work (And also all combinations, ctrl+shift before select note not work, and all possible ctrl-shift-alt, ctrl-windowskey-alt, ctrl-shift-PageUp)
  • Also I try export work to MusicXML and try edit it with notepad- too hard and complex.

Interesting is, from discant note is possible move- so if select any note from upper staff, ctrl-shift-ArrowDown move it note to bass staff.

So- is it any really working jinx how to move notes from bass staff to upper staff? Bonus, if possible make it "mass move", select eg. many notes per time.

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Ok, now I found from my archive:

  • Select note from bass staff
  • Cut&Copy it by ctrl+X
  • Select place for note in discant (upper) staff. Make this selecting any note. Then ctrl+shift+X twice.

Earlier it add this bass note to discant staff, but looks this pref is removed now.

Is it any special plugin for this work? Look now in Musescore 4 this is unpossible.

(After 20 year I will be retired and stop my daily work. Then I take a time and I will make special plugin for musescore. It is: "export & import note to Excel". Then it is easy to edit in engineer mode :D)

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