After paying years this is starting to become a scam

• Sep 21, 2024 - 08:16

This is getting ridiculous. It’s not an issue of MuseScore 3.0 etc it’s just failure after failure

And UI is getting more and more unusable.

I am writing as a long-time supporter, early adopter, and top contributor to express my frustration with the continuous decline in MuseScore’s performance and reliability. As someone who has invested both time and money into your platform since its early days, I expect a certain level of functionality and professionalism that has been consistently lacking in recent updates.

Recently, I encountered yet another error, which I’ve attached for your reference: “Error fetch iOS attestation.” This is just one of many issues I’ve had with the app. Each update seems to make things worse—features break, playback becomes inconsistent, and essential tools for score editing often crash or lag. This is not a minor inconvenience; it's a significant disruption to the workflow for musicians who rely on MuseScore for professional purposes.

Your response to my previous review, suggesting that I simply "reinstall the app and report the result," as seen in the second screenshot I’ve attached, feels dismissive and out of touch with the severity of the problems at hand. Reinstalling is not a solution for the deeper technical issues the app is facing. Suggesting such a simplistic fix for what are clearly ongoing, systemic issues is both unhelpful and disrespectful to those of us who have paid for this platform and depend on it for serious work.

As a paying customer from the very beginning, I have seen MuseScore evolve, but it is alarming how the app has become increasingly unstable. Playback is erratic, notation tools don’t function as expected, and now errors like the one mentioned above are appearing more frequently. In professional music production, these issues are more than just annoyances—they’re dealbreakers.

The fact that I have paid for the service since its inception makes it all the more disappointing. The platform was once a reliable tool for musicians, but now it has become a source of constant frustration. The quality control seems to have deteriorated with each update, and as a user with a deep investment in this platform, I am at a loss as to why such fundamental issues remain unresolved.

I expect more than a generic response. I expect MuseScore to take these issues seriously and provide real, technical solutions—not quick fixes or temporary workarounds. It’s time to focus on stabilizing the app, fixing the core functionalities, and ensuring that paying customers, especially long-time contributors, receive the service they were promised.

Please provide a concrete plan to address these ongoing issues and restore the quality of the platform.

Jeffrey Kwong

—why do I now have to click 2 buttons to change mixer when that’s the purported advantage of downloading the app?

— why when I favorite my own score I get a prompt to delete? WtF?

Cmon — just call me and zoom call me and you can get my UI experience feedback free.

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