Popups don't show/show up on other monitor

• Sep 23, 2024 - 23:24

Windows 11
Musescore 4 (4.4.2)

Essentially I have 3 monitors
1 a laptop monitor that doesn't work and is disabled
and 2 identical external monitors with the same driver installed

On the left one, this issue does not happen at all, but it does on the other one.
When Musescore is open on my right monitor, any popup from a right click or hovering over the top options (File, Edit, View, etc) appears on the far right of the left monitor at the correct height.
But other popups, like my view setting in the bottom right, fail to show at all.
This issue persists even when not fullscreened

It only works properly when on my other monitor.
When partially on my left monitor, the popups on the left monitor function as they should and the others function the way they were before with the only exception being that my view setting shows up on the other monitor

Fresh install has not worked
Switching the monitors' places in the settings didn't work (still only worked on the left monitor even after swapping their display number)
Restarting my computer has not worked

I would take screenshots, but being on Windows 11 makes it impossible to show this issue, as it is over two different monitors, so I hope I've described it well enough.
I can't find any fixes on previous similar issues

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