Piano Staves Don't Playback

• Feb 26, 2025 - 02:42

Why don't the piano staves playback? Even when I make an MP3, the piano staves don't playback. If I copy the piano parts to the trumpet and alto sax staves, the copied parts playback. Of the many songs I have composed, this is the only score that does this. I believe I am using Musescore 3.0.


Attachment Size
Water - Audio M1-5.mscz 20.43 KB


The piano part plays for me, both in the MuseScore application and in an exported .MP3 file.

You can identify the version of MuseScore you have installed by clicking on Help / About Musescore. Provide that information and the equivalent info about your computer's operating system as well.

It plays for me too.
Try 'Edit -> Preferences -> I/O -> Restart Audio and MIDI Devices'.
Or at least it should have entries in 'API' and 'Device'.

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