Export Errors - cannot export tracks to Wav or Mp3 successfully
Since the latest update, I cannot export tracks to Mp3 or Wav.
What I do:
Click File -> Export
Pick the tracks I want to use and the file format.
Set the file location and Enter.
What it SHOULD do:
Give me a separate track for each instrument that I can pull over to Studio One for mixing, etc.
What it IS doing since the update:
Gives me a separate track for each instrument - but each track actually contains a blend of multiple instruments, e.g., my Piano track has Piano AND Violincello and some Drum Kicks. Some of these tracks are garbled with clicks and audio stutters.
I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling. I've also tried downloading a fresh version of Musescore 4 on another computer and then opening it through the cloud storage. I didn't have any problems at all before this update.
Is anyone else experiencing the same glitches?
Does anyone have any other ideas?
Attachment | Size |
Musescore Diagnostics File - 4.4.1 - 9-23-24.zip | 53.79 KB |
If you attach your score and give precise steps to reproduce the problem, someone should be able to take a look.
In reply to If you attach your score and… by Marc Sabatella
My goal is to export tracks to Wav format. When I go to Export, I select the tracks I want, select the correct format, and then pick a folder.
How it's worked for the past two years is that each individual track is exported to a separate file.
What ends up happening is tracks are garbled and mix the instruments - e.g., the Violin track ends up with other instruments in it somewhere. It won't let me upload an example - it says .wav isn't an acceptable format for upload.
In reply to My goal is to export tracks… by nathangump
Don't worry about not being upload the WAV file - it's the score itself we need.
Anyhow, I loaded your score, and then opened the parts, and I can see that what you are calling the "Violins" part actually contains four instruments (the violins, both violas, and one of the cellos). Simialrly for the flute part. The others seem normal.
So it seems perfectly correct that exporting that part would contain the sound from all of the instruments present within the part. If you don't want those instruments present, remove them from the part.
In reply to Don't worry about not being… by Marc Sabatella
I appreciate your assistance since I'm pulling my hair out here. I see what you mean about the Violins track, but it happens on other tracks as well.
Just to be sure, I opened all Parts, made sure that each Part only contain a single instrument, and re-saved the song. It still happens. Please try the upright-Piano track. Around 1:15, cello comes in which definitely was not part of the track.
In reply to I appreciate your assistance… by nathangump
Very strange, I can confirm that. Please open an issue on GitHub (https://github.com/musescore/MuseScore/issues) to report this to the developers for further investigation. Be sure to include this copy of the score (you'll need to ZIP it first) and the info about which part has the problem and where.
In reply to Very strange, I can confirm… by Marc Sabatella
Actually, checking the part itself, I hear it there too. That is, the issue isn't specific to export, it happens just playing the part within MuseScore. Starts at bar 48. And when I check the mixer, I see that indeed, the cello 2 - although hidden - is not muted. The ability to decoupling hiding and muting is new with 4.4, so maybe you were experimenting with that and left this in that state accidentally? Or perhaps there was a bug in an earlier version that saved this instrument as not muted but the bug wasn't discovered until MuseScore finally started supporting unmuted instruments in parts?
In any case, it seems that again, this isn't a bug - it's just MuseScore honoring what's in the score. Of course, it's also possible that a bug in MuseScore cause the staff to somehow unmute itself, but before reporting that on GitHub, you'd need to find steps to reproduce the issue.
In reply to Actually, checking the part… by Marc Sabatella
Thank you. It would have taken me a LONG time to figure that out.
It seems like an odd feature to decouple hiding and muting but I'm sure it makes sense in some situations. I have 7 songs now to work on and hopefully no other problems come up.
Thanks again!
In reply to Thank you. It would have… by nathangump
By default toggling visibility does mute, but you have the ability to then unmute, and apparently you did that accidentally. Either that, or, as I said, some bug somehow flipped that setting for you, either in the version you originally created this with, or in 4.4. Hard to say, but I've seen no other reports of issues with this, so I'm guessing it was just a misclick.
In reply to By default toggling… by Marc Sabatella
I'm getting this problem on 4.4.4. The problem appears to be with the muting of musesounds specifically on export. I'm following the same procedure that has worked with all previous versions, so I'm guessing this is a regression caused by the hide/mute decoupling.
on Debian testing (up to date):
File -> Export
Select all (deselect Main score)
Format WAV audio
The percussion parts - Timpani, Cymbal, Triangle, Snare, Bass Drum and Celesta all export fine.
The other parts, all muse sounds, unmute the other muse sound parts on export - even if I set them up muted before export.
This also happens if I attempt to export the tracks individually.
This procedure has worked perfectly in previous versions <= 4.4.3
Fairly confident this is a regression caused by the hide/mute decoupling.
I don't see a relevant issue on github, so I'm happy to go ahead and raise it. What other info might the devs require?
In reply to on Debian testing (up to… by timflatus
I've seen a couple of other reports relating to this, but inI those cases, the problem was clearly that the instrument was not muted in the part - you could clearly hear the other instruments even in the playback within MuseScore Studio. The trigger, as I recall, was something about the order in which parts were generated or something. I haven't seen any reports where export includes an instrument even though it is actually muted in the part, though.
In your score, it's definitely true that the other parts are unmuted, which you can see if you open the parts and view the mixer. Did you by chance disable the option in Edit / Preferences / Audio & MIDI, to toggle mute on hide? Not that this should cause a problem, but it could help explain how you ended up with some many unmuted instruments.
Anyhow, if I mute the other instruments within the part then export, I don't hear them. Can you give precise steps to reproduce the problem (eg, which part you are exporting, which instruments you are explicitly muting? And just to be sure - you are sure you are vmuting them in the part and not in the score?
In reply to I've seen a couple of other… by Marc Sabatella
I have tried both settings in Edit / Preferences / Audio & MIDI [Toggle track mute ... ]
What does "vmuting them in the part" mean? - I have tried muting them in the mixer.
The word "Part" is only used in the GUI to refer to individual instrument scores. I see no options relating to playback or export there and neither would I expect to. There is no "vmute" option.
The only channels muted in the mixer are those corresponding to chord symbols, metronome and reverb, which I do not wish to export.
I want to export all the parts individually, one wav file per part. This should (as per RFC 2119) be possible in a single operation. In previous versions the other tracks were automatically muted during export, now they are being automatically unmuted, so I can't even export them individually (muting all other parts in the mixer). I really don't know how I can be any more precise than that. I'm following the same procedure as I have done successfully for the previous 10 sections using earlier (<=4.4.3) versions, all with very similar orchestration.
I can't even figure out a workaround, so this is a showstopper for me.
In reply to I have tried both settings… by timflatus
Update: Just tried one of the previous sections and export behaved as expected. So the issue is only with the score I posted (11_Malin). Can not for the life of me see any difference in settings and I'm following exactly the same procedure.
Even if I hide the parts in the instrument panel, they are still unmuted on export.
It also, naturally, takes much longer to export a composite part.
In reply to Update: Just tried one of… by timflatus
I have the same issue. Cannot seem to fix it.
In reply to I have tried both settings… by timflatus
The “v” was a typo - I meant “unmute”. My guess is you are notn in fact unmuting them in the part, but only in the score. My clue is that it doesn’t appear you have even opened the parts yet. You need to do that first, from the Parts window. Then you can visit each part and mute the instruments you don’t want to hear. You shouldn’t have to do that - all other instruments should automatically be muted. But as mentioned, it’s a known issue that occasionally in some scores it is necessary to explicitly mute them. I don’t think anyone has submitted an issue for this and I don’t know if anyone has found precise steps to reproduce the problem, but as I said, it seems to do with the specific order in which you do things.
Anyhow, once you fix the score by opening the parts and muting the instruments you don’t want to hear - do this for each part that has a problem - your show can go on :-)
In reply to The “v” was a typo - I meant… by Marc Sabatella
Actually, I found the bug report, and it's already fixed as of 4.4.3. However, your score was probably created in one of the buggy versions just before that, like 4.4.1 or 4.4.2. According to the original bug report https://github.com/musescore/MuseScore/issues/24985, the bug was triggered by adding instruments at some point after a part was generated, so I'm assuming that's what happened. And once the part was added using a buggy pre-4.4.3 build, the incorrect mute state became "baked in" and now even 4.4.4 plays them unmuted. So that's why you need to fix this score by muting them. Future scores should be fine since the bug that caused these instruments to become unmuted in 4.4.2 (or earlier 4.4 builds) is fixed.
In reply to Actually, I found the bug… by Marc Sabatella
Thank you for persevering. I understand the issue now. The part I added was an instrument change to solo violin.
It took a while longer to understand your solution, but I get it now.
Incidentally, just for the benefit of anyone else who runs into this slightly obscure edge case, this fixes the problem for subsequent exports.
Thanks again.
I'm still getting this behaviour in 4.5.1
New score, no added instruments. Preferences > Audio & MIDI > Mixer: Toggle track mute ... enabled.
The export dialog states that each selected part will be exported as a separate audio file and that isn't what happens. I should not have to open up all the parts and mute / solo manually.
Will continue this discussion on github.