programming error

• Sep 25, 2024 - 13:11

So here's an issue I found. As I go through MuseScore, learning how it operates and how to enter special characters as a Staff text, I have come to realize that there are two symbols in there which are incorrect. When I go to Add, Staff text, Insert special characters, and choose Unicode symbols, I then pick Byzantine Musical Symbols. The field looks empty but it is not. If you hover over each square, you will see a Unicode number pop up. When you click on the symbols labeled 1d0c7 and 1d0c8 you will get two symbols that have the correct shape, but both of these symbols should be on an angle to the right. In other words, if I were able to take each of these symbols and rotate them 45 degrees to the right, they would be correct. But as they are, straight up and down, they are not correct. So how do we get to the programmers, to have them fix this in an update, so that the actual Unicode number will give the correct symbol? I use these symbols to transcribe Byzantine notation into Western notation. Any help is appreciated.


In the meantime, your request is here and a more comprehensive answer will probably come. Meanwhile, to make up for it save the symbols as an image, rotate them as needed and add them.
Just an idea.

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