Chord Identifier for MuseScore V4 shows only "run plugin()" in menu and doesn't launch

• Sep 27, 2024 - 19:14


I'm a newbie to MuseScore, I tried following the directions to install the version of Chord Identifier (Pop and Jazz) that is compatible with MuseScore V4, but when I enable the plugin, the plugins menu just shows an option for "run plugin()" that launches an empty window and doesn't do anything else. I'm on Windows 11 with the latest updates. I've attached screenshots. Here's the link to the plugin page:

Another oddity is that the plugin has no name under its icon in the plugin manager, but it is the only plugin on my system (other than those automatically installed) and the icon is definitely for Chord Identifier because I can make it show up and disappear by adding and removing the .qml file to the Plugin directory. I'll also mention that I scanned the .qml file and then went into the properties and unchecked the "blocked" option that Windows automatically applies to many downloaded files.

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