Integrating libraries with key switches into MuseScore

• Oct 3, 2024 - 11:32

The recently introduced Muse Sounds 3rd party libraries are quite good, but they have some glitches.
They do have the benefit of being affordable though.

However they do not compare with libraries such as this library from Orchestral Tools -
Benjamin Wallfisch strings - though that is maybe 25+ times more expensive.

Some users are using MuseScore only for engraving, or for producing scores or parts for performance, while others are aiming more at using a DAW or some similar method to obtain a fairly realistic recorded sound, which can be used for a sound track, or to be played along with live musicians to reduce costs - since fewer live musicians would be needed for each performance.

This would also provide a useful notation based tool [MU4 or later] as an alternative to trying to do similar things within a DAW.

Libraries, such as this Divisi library, may make use of alternative methods for articulation - such as sound banks, CCs or key switches. Key switches are a common way, and used in the Divisi library.

With the addition of a few extra tracks, to control dynamics more precisely and also to control articulation, MuseScore could be used to exploit libraries like this one, and give much better results.

It is already possible to use key switches in MU4, but the way to do that is clunky, and requires [usually] hidden staves playing notes which are outside the range for the instruments. So if an easier to use interface could be developed for libraries like this one, then there might be more interest from musicians and creators who want to achieve better quality sound output - allbeit at a higher price.

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