Organ pedal stave space
I am a new user, now that Finale is going!
I have begun working on a piece for pipe organ using the start-up dialogue in Musescore 4.
The default space between the left hand stave and the pedal stave is too large and I wish to close it up for the entire score: my question is, how can I do that please?
I have found how I could do this for each system and I have looked for previous answers about this topic but found none.
I am using - OS: Windows 10 Version 2009 or later, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore Studio version (64-bit): 4.4.2-242570931, revision: 3130f97
Interestong, the distance betrwwm the left hasnd staff and the pedal staff should be axactly the same as the one between roght hand and left hand, namely the setting in Format > Style > Page > Grand staff distance
Instead it seems to take the settiong(s) for Max/Min. staff distance. Seems a bug to me, worth reporting on GitHub
You could disable the vertical alignment of staves, there Staff distance and Grand staff distance are set to the same value, and there's no min/max value for staff distance. Or set the Max. staff distance to 6.5
In reply to Interestong, the distance… by Jojo-Schmitz
That works but I will also report it. Thank you.
I had a similar question a few month ago - perhaps the suggested solution will work for you as well:
In reply to I had a similar question a… by [DELETED] 33271506
Oops and I even was participating on that one too but had completely forgotten about it