failed Qml load

• Oct 14, 2024 - 12:47

Hi, when i run musescore in ubuntu 24.04 i have this error, can you help me to solve it?


qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "IconCode"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "MusicalSymbolCodes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "ContainerType"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "NavigationEvent"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "MUAccessible"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "CompareType"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "SelectionMode"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "ToolBarItemType"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "DockToolBarAlignment"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "Location"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "CloudVisibility"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "SaveToCloudResponse"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "DirectionTypes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "SlurTieTypes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "NoteHead"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "Beam"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "Hairpin"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "OrnamentTypes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "Dynamic"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "Glissando"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "CommonTypes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "BarlineTypes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "MarkerTypes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "KeySignatureTypes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "AccidentalTypes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "FretDiagramTypes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "LineTypes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "TextTypes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "ArticulationTypes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "AmbitusTypes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "ChordSymbolTypes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "BendTypes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "TremoloBarTypes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "TremoloTypes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "VoiceTypes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "InstrumentsTreeItemType"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "PanelMode"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "StandardButton"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "SaveLocationType"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "GenerateAudioTimePeriodType"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "MigrationType"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter
11:22:00.343 | INFO | main_thread | GlobalModule::onPreInit | log path: /home/dacorsa/.local/share/MuseScore/MuseScore4Development/logs/MuseScore_241014_112200.log
11:22:00.343 | INFO | main_thread | GlobalModule::onPreInit | === Started MuseScore Studio Development 4.5.0, build: 12345678 ===
11:22:00.344 | ERROR | main_thread | LanguagesService::loadLanguages | Failed to read languages.json: [401] The file does not exist
11:22:00.344 | INFO | main_thread | LanguagesService::effectiveLanguageCode | System language code: "it"
11:22:00.344 | INFO | main_thread | LanguagesService::effectiveLanguageCode | System language code: "it-Latn-IT"
11:22:00.344 | INFO | main_thread | LanguagesService::effectiveLanguageCode | System language code: "it-IT"
11:22:00.344 | ERROR | main_thread | LanguagesService::setCurrentLanguage | Unsupported language code: "system"
11:22:00.344 | WARN | main_thread | IpcSocket::connect | failed connect to server
11:22:00.344 | WARN | main_thread | IpcSocket::connect | failed connect to server
11:22:00.344 | INFO | main_thread | IpcSocket::connect | success connected to ipc server
11:22:00.344 | INFO | 137938576869056 | IpcServer::listen | id: "9dcc23ce7d8d405f85f4b49ca9545f6a"
11:22:00.348 | ERROR | main_thread | CrashHandler::start | crash handler not exists, path: /app/MuseScore/build.release/src/app/crashpad_handler
11:22:00.348 | ERROR | main_thread | DiagnosticsModule::onInit | failed start crash handler
11:22:00.348 | ERROR | main_thread | SoundFontRepository::loadSoundFonts | [401] The file does not exist
11:22:00.351 | ERROR | main_thread | MuseSamplerLibHandler::MuseSamplerLibHandler | Unable to open MuseSampler library, path: /home/dacorsa/.local/share/MuseSampler/lib/
11:22:00.351 | ERROR | main_thread | MuseSamplerResolver::doInit | Incompatible MuseSampler library; ignoring
11:22:00.351 | ERROR | main_thread | MuseSamplerLibHandler::MuseSamplerLibHandler | Unable to open MuseSampler library, path:
11:22:00.351 | ERROR | main_thread | MuseSamplerResolver::doInit | Incompatible MuseSampler library; ignoring
11:22:00.352 | WARN | main_thread | Qt | QIODevice::read (QFile, "/home/dacorsa/.local/share/MuseScore/MuseScore4Development/shortcuts.xml"): device not open
11:22:00.352 | WARN | main_thread | Qt | QIODevice::read (QFile, "/home/dacorsa/.local/share/MuseScore/MuseScore4Development/midi_mappings.xml"): device not open
Cannot resolve table '/app/MuseScore/build.install/share/mscore-4.5/tables/unicode.dis'
1 errors found.
/app/MuseScore/build.install/share/mscore-4.5/tables/unicode.dis,/app/MuseScore/build.install/share/mscore-4.5/tables/en-us-g2.ctb could not be compiled
Cannot resolve table '/app/MuseScore/build.install/share/mscore-4.5/tables/en-ueb-g1.ctb'
1 errors found.
/app/MuseScore/build.install/share/mscore-4.5/tables/en-ueb-g1.ctb could not be compiled
11:22:00.353 | WARN | main_thread | AbstractCloudService::readTokens | Could not find the tokens file: /home/dacorsa/.local/share/MuseScore/MuseScore4Development/musescorecom_cred.dat
11:22:00.353 | WARN | main_thread | AbstractCloudService::readTokens | Could not find the tokens file: /home/dacorsa/.local/share/MuseScore/MuseScore4Development/audiocom_cred.dat
11:22:00.598 | ERROR | main_thread | engraving::loadInstrumentTemplates | Could not load instrument templates from /app/MuseScore/build.install/share/mscore-4.5/instruments/instruments.xml
11:22:00.598 | ERROR | main_thread | InstrumentsRepository::load | Could not load instruments from /app/MuseScore/build.install/share/mscore-4.5/instruments/instruments.xml!
11:22:00.598 | ERROR | main_thread | engraving::loadInstrumentTemplates | Could not load instrument templates from /app/MuseScore/build.install/share/mscore-4.5/instruments/orders.xml
11:22:00.598 | ERROR | main_thread | InstrumentsRepository::load | Could not load orders from /app/MuseScore/build.install/share/mscore-4.5/instruments/orders.xml!
11:22:00.598 | ERROR | main_thread | InstrumentsRepository::loadStringTuningsPresets | [401] The file does not exist
11:22:00.598 | ERROR | main_thread | InstrumentsRepository::load | Could not load string tunings presets from /app/MuseScore/build.install/share/mscore-4.5/instruments/string_tunings_presets.json!
11:22:00.727 | INFO | main_thread | GuiApp::perform | Using graphics api: "opengl"
11:22:00.727 | INFO | main_thread | GuiApp::perform | Detecting problems with graphics api
11:22:00.979 | WARN | main_thread | Qt | QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component
11:22:00.979 | ERROR | main_thread | GuiApp::perform | error: qrc:/qml/platform/linux/Main.qml:57:5: Type WindowContent unavailable

11:22:00.979 | ERROR | main_thread | GuiApp::perform | error: qrc:/qml/WindowContent.qml:97:9: Type NotationPage unavailable

11:22:00.979 | ERROR | main_thread | GuiApp::perform | error: qrc:/qml/NotationPage/NotationPage.qml:246:13: Type InstrumentsPanel unavailable

11:22:00.979 | ERROR | main_thread | GuiApp::perform | error: qrc:/qml/MuseScore/InstrumentsScene/InstrumentsPanel.qml:234:25: Cannot override FINAL property

11:22:00.979 | WARN | main_thread | Qt | qrc:/qml/platform/linux/Main.qml:57:5: Type WindowContent unavailable
11:22:00.979 | WARN | main_thread | Qt | qrc:/qml/WindowContent.qml:97:9: Type NotationPage unavailable
11:22:00.979 | WARN | main_thread | Qt | qrc:/qml/NotationPage/NotationPage.qml:246:13: Type InstrumentsPanel unavailable
11:22:00.979 | WARN | main_thread | Qt | qrc:/qml/MuseScore/InstrumentsScene/InstrumentsPanel.qml:234:25: Cannot override FINAL property
11:22:00.980 | ERROR | main_thread | GuiApp::perform | failed Qml load

11:22:01.009 | INFO | main_thread | Profiler |

Main thread. Top 150 by sum time (total count: 26)
Function Call time Call count Sum time
ShortcutsRegister::reload 0.865 ms 1 0.865 ms
ShortcutsRegister::readFromFile 0.332 ms 2 0.664 ms
SymNames::loadNameToSymIdHash 0.411 ms 1 0.411 ms
UiActionsRegister::updateShortcutsAll 0.220 ms 1 0.220 ms
NotationActionController::init 0.217 ms 1 0.217 ms
ShortcutsRegister::makeUnique 0.136 ms 1 0.136 ms
AbstractCloudService::init 0.060 ms 2 0.119 ms
InstrumentsRepository::load 0.111 ms 1 0.111 ms
LanguagesService::init 0.088 ms 1 0.088 ms
UiActionsRegister::updateCheckedAll 0.082 ms 1 0.082 ms
AbstractCloudService::readTokens 0.027 ms 2 0.053 ms
LanguagesService::loadLanguages 0.040 ms 1 0.040 ms
SoundFontRepository::loadSoundFonts 0.037 ms 1 0.037 ms
LanguagesService::setCurrentLanguage 0.036 ms 1 0.036 ms
ShortcutsRegister::expandStandardKeys 0.012 ms 2 0.023 ms
UiActionsRegister::updateEnabledAll 0.016 ms 1 0.016 ms
InstrumentsRepository::loadStringTuningsPresets 0.011 ms 1 0.011 ms
RegisterAudioPluginsScenario::init 0.009 ms 1 0.009 ms
KnownAudioPluginsRegister::load 0.007 ms 1 0.007 ms
SlurTieLayout::avoidCollisions 0.000 ms 6 0.002 ms
UiContextResolver::currentUiContext 0.002 ms 1 0.002 ms
InstrumentsRepository::loadMuseInstruments 0.002 ms 1 0.002 ms
RecentFilesController::init 0.001 ms 1 0.001 ms
Workspace::rawData 0.000 ms 4 0.001 ms
UiConfiguration::readThemes 0.001 ms 1 0.001 ms
ProjectAutoSaver::update 0.001 ms 1 0.001 ms

Other threads. Top 150 by sum time (total count: 1)
Function Call time Call count Sum time
SynthResolver::resolveAvailableResources 0.001 ms 1 0.001 ms

11:22:01.009 | INFO | main_thread | GuiApp::finish | activeThreadCount: 0
11:22:01.047 | INFO | 137938545411776 | {anonymous}::alsaThread | exit
11:22:01.093 | INFO | main_thread | main | Goodbye!! code: -1

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