Saving my score as a PDF keeps screwing up the format

• Oct 15, 2024 - 04:13

Hi all, I have tried saving an arrangement I've been working on and the pdf keeps adding like 3 measures onto a 3rd page for one of the parts. I want to make the parts fit to 2 pages each. I have tried scaling it, minimizing sizes, customizing the page breaks, etc, which makes the parts fit comfortably to 1.5 pages. Great! I save it, open the pdf and it's still saving onto 3 pages. I'm making sure to hit "apply to all" when i make the adjustments but nothing is changing how the parts download. I appreciate any help.

Attachment Size
Luminous Sky - copy.mscz 135.4 KB
Luminous Sky-Score_and_Parts.pdf 453.81 KB

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