more space between title box and score

• Oct 15, 2024 - 19:13

Hello Musescore people:

I want to put more space between the title box and the first line of my score that is attached. How do I do it?


Attachment Size
Memphis in June.pdf 91.18 KB


Select the title frame (click the border, not any text within it). Then go to the Properties tab (upper left). In Properties you can adjust the Height, which would make more space between text attached to the top and bottom (e.g. the "Title" and "Subtitle" are attached to the top and the "Composer/Arranger" is attached to the bottom). You can adjust the Gap Above, which moves the entire title frame farther down the page. You can adjust the Gap Below, which increases the space below the title frame before the score notation starts. Which is exactly what you want. Quite a few other settings there to experiment with.

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