Is it possible to create grace note chords? (i.e. acciaccatura diad grace notes)

• Oct 19, 2024 - 22:47

Entering a single acciaccatura grace note is easy. Select a note and click the acciaccatura grace item in the grace notes pallete, or drag the item to the note.

Unfortunately I'm unable to find a way to create a diad harmony grace note (i.e. a double stop.) Sadly Note Entry mode doesn't help. Any attempt to hover over a grace note shows the "parent note" targeted, and the result is somewhat bizarre.

This is the end result I'm pursuing:

          Diad grace notes example.png

When I try to accomplish this using the Grace Note palette MuseScore adds the grace note "melodically" before the existing grace note.

The following image shows the first grace note already entered. The lower quarter note is selected "ready to receive its grace note":

            Grace note - Quarter note selected.png

I hoped that adding a grace note to the selected note would result in the grace added below the existing grace note, not before it, as shown:

            Grace note entered melodically.png

Same problem with diad grace note entry exists in MuseScore 3.

I don't see any description in the MuseScore 4 handbook for adding grace note chords (i.e. diads, harmony, double stops)



In reply to by SteveBlower

@SteveBlower wrote:

> I think you are asking how to enter a grace note chord.


> Enter the first (lower pitch} grace note. Then shift + enter the higher grace note.

That works with mouse entry?

Here In Note Entry mode—using mouse clicks—shift-clicking replaces all notes in an existing chord with the shift-click entered note.

In Note Entry mode—using mouse clicks—I create regular chords without shift-clicking. I'd expect the same would be possible with grace notes, but it's not. So I've been looking for an alternate means.

In reply to by SteveBlower

Thanks! The QWERTY keyboard worked. However I mainly use MIDI keyboard entry ... or mouse-click when editing. And the Handbook lack specificity on this mode pertaining to QWERTY entry.

Seems quite peculiar if there's no mouse-entry method for adding a grace note chord.

Sure seems like an argument for copy-drag (i.e. Alt/Option-drag.)

Copy-drag would be one of the fastest and most logical means for adding a chord note with the mouse. Most apps use copy-drag to duplicate the dragged object. And in MuseScore the method could duplicate to any selected note or grace note, and deposit it at the mouseUp location. I've been meaning to request this for many, many months.

Regardless, once again, thanks for your input! Due to your help I was able to finish the project ... interrupted only by researching and then making this post.

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