Guitar Bends and Mysterious Broken Measures
I've been having some trouble with guitar bends recently. Most of them work fine, but others just won't, and I'm not sure why. The guitar bends are definitely playable, usually only half or whole step bends. I'm using the SC Lead sound from Muse Guitars with a Drop D tuning. I tried deleting and rewriting the bends, deleting and rewriting the notes, removing and re-adding the measures, and redoing them from scratch. None of these produced any results.
However, as I ignored the problem and continued working on my song, I noticed that some of the previously broken bends now mysteriously worked, and others that had never had a problem were breaking. This was most notable after I added some measures to the beginning of the score, which lead me to believe that somehow the broken bend is tied to the measure. I confirmed this by copying and pasting the bends to a new measure, where they worked consistently. What do you think could be going wrong? How could I fix it, preferably not copying everything into a new score?