Create hairpin with open starting point? Or run hairpin through dynamic marking?
I'd like to place dynamic marking in the middle of a long hairpin. After the marking, I'd like the hairpin to continue with an open starting position. Is this possible in Musescore? (See photo.)
Thank you!
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continuous hairpin.png | 62.09 KB |
Place p and f and set a hairpin between them.
Place mf and switch off the "Automatic Placement".
Then choose a frame around the mf with the margin of 0.1 ... 0.3 and the thickness 0.
While mf is selected: Set the highlight color to "Withe" (already) and the "Alpha Channel" to 255.
Set the "Stacking Order" to a value greater than 5200.
EDIT: Instead of this in Musescore 4: Press "Apperance -> to Front".
In reply to Place p and f and set a… by HildeK
Thank you so much for this creative solution! I used your instructions, and adapted them slightly for Musescore 4. I'm putting updated instructions here in case anyone else comes across this thread.
We're putting a paper-white box or circle around a dynamic marking, then putting that dynamic in the middle of the hairpin.
1. Place dynamics and hairpins approximately where desired
2. Select dynamic that should interrupt hairpin
3. View > Properties
Then, in the Properties sidebar…
4. Uncheck “Auto-place." You can now move the dynamic marking around to your desired location.
5. Show more > Frame: click either the box or circle
6. Beneath “Border”, click the colored box. Select your new desired color. EDIT: per HildeK below, select "White" as your color. This can be found by navigating to the alphabetical list of colors by name. You can also use the hex number #FFFFFF
7. Repeat for Fill Color. (On my version, Fill Color seemed to have no color box to click. But I just clicked where the color box should be and was able to select color as I did for the border)
8. Adjust Padding as desired. (I used .3-.5)
Now, select the hairpin, and look at the Properties sidebar again.
9. Click “Appearance”
10. Under Arrange, click “Backwards.” (This places the hairpin behind your dynamic marking)
Even though I used the eyedropper, I found that the frame becomes slightly grayer than the rest of the page after PDF export. Not sure how to solve.
EDIT: solved by using "White" as HildeK recommended.
It would be nice if this was quicker to achieve, perhaps with the ability to manipulate the hairpin opening, or an automatic adjustment when dynamics are placed inside a hairpin. I've created a feature request here:
In reply to Thank you so much for this… by fn2187
> Use the eyedropper tool to get the same white as your score page
No, you should choose "white" for the color, not the color of your score page. Because when you print out the score, the color of your score page is not printed. It is simply white.
Except your paper color is not white ...
In reply to > Use the eyedropper tool to… by HildeK
Thank you so much for this clarification. You're right! I updated the instructions above in case anyone else ever stumbles onto this.