3.7 crash
In the attached file, simply add some notes to the second voice, then delete them and the rests.
By me MuseScore crashes every time (works OK in 3.6.2)
(WIndows 10, MuseScore
Attachment | Size |
test.mscz | 3.12 KB |
In the attached file, simply add some notes to the second voice, then delete them and the rests.
By me MuseScore crashes every time (works OK in 3.6.2)
(WIndows 10, MuseScore
Attachment | Size |
test.mscz | 3.12 KB |
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I can't reproduce, not with my self-built one at least nor with the latest atrifacts from GitHub
(WIndows 11, MuseScore
In reply to I can't reproduce, not with… by Jojo-Schmitz
OK, I will test with my laptop (windows 11). Should have done before posting, I guess.
In reply to I can't reproduce, not with… by Jojo-Schmitz
The same happens on my windows11 laptop, enter some second voice notes and delete them, including the rest. When the last (leftmost) rest is deleted MuseScore crashes.
In reply to The same happens on my… by ErlingI
I can reproduce with OS: Windows 10 Version 2009 or later, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit):, revision: 60d1d05
"N" / Voice 2 / Enter a quarter note / Del / Del -> Crash
EDIT: ditto with the last one: MuseScore version (64-bit):, revision: 5cda06b
In reply to I can reproduce with OS:… by cadiz1
Good to know I'm not alone.
Tried a clean install on a third (virutal) windows 10 computer...same crash.
In reply to Good to know I'm not alone… by ErlingI
Thanks for https://github.com/Jojo-Schmitz/MuseScore/issues/724
In reply to I can reproduce with OS:… by cadiz1
Ah, I can confirm, the "trick" is to not leave note entry mode. No crssh if you do
So it crashes when deleting the last voice 2, 3 or 4 rest in a measure in note entry mode
Please report on https://github.com/Jojo-Schmitz/MuseScore/issues/new
(I found the culprit meanwhile)
In reply to Ah, I can confirm, the … by Jojo-Schmitz
For the record, it crashes too when deleting the last voice 3 & 4 rests in a measure in note input mode.
I guess that's covered too.
In reply to For the record, it crashes… by cadiz1
Yes. Should be fixed in https://github.com/Jojo-Schmitz/MuseScore/pull/723
In reply to Yes. Should be fixed in… by Jojo-Schmitz
Yes. Works OK now! Thanks!