MacOS: Playback audio broken after opening/closing laptop
The playback audio goes away after closing and opening macbook while leaving musescore open. This seems to happen every time, and has also happened on friend's device.
In order to fix the issue you have to restart the musescore app.
Minor inconvenience, but might be a minor fix so it was worth a shot
This happens in Sibelius also. There is no fix. On some windows systems, it is possible to change a setting so that when you close the laptop, it has no affect on software. Don't know about a mac. I got into the habit long ago of always closing software first.
I wonder if this only happens on laptops? I use Linux desktop and have never experienced it, and I always leave MuseScore open.
In reply to I wonder if this only… by ruddierdwelle
By default, closing the lid on a laptop puts it to sleep. That is what MuseScore doesn't like. Put your desktop to sleep and see what happens.
In reply to By default, closing the lid… by bobjp
Wierd! My laptop (Windows) doesn't do this: whether I close the lid or explicitly put it to sleep. Presumably, I have whatever setting by default? \
What is the setting, if anyone knows? (Just out of "'satiable curtiosity" :-)
In reply to By default, closing the lid… by bobjp
Assuming Sleep and Suspend are the same thing, my desktop automatically suspends after a period of inactivity. So it is suspended multiple times throughout the day with MuseScore open.
In reply to Assuming Sleep and Suspend… by ruddierdwelle
It only sleeps when it's not in use. Don't leave MuseScore open when you're not using the computer. Extend the timeout period.