Midi input: 1 Press = 2 Notes?

• Dec 27, 2024 - 10:30

I connected my Mid Keyboard (Studiologic SL88 Studio) to the MuseScore 4 App, and the note input works...But every time I press a note on my keyboard I get 2 notes in the App.

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Screenshot 2024-12-27 at 11.29.27.png 668.09 KB


Try this...
In your screenshot, I see that you have the virtual piano keyboard displayed. It also shows the note C4 highlighted. Does closing the virtual piano, restarting MuseScore Studio, and then only using your Midi keyboard have any effect?

The same happens to me when I have two voices active on my piano (the main voice and a layer voice). Obviously the pressed key is sent to MuseScore once for each voice. So check this. Also check on which channels your MIDI keyboard sends key presses. I am not an expert but I think there were like 16 channels and most programs normally listen on all of those - so play with your channels and their settings and possibly try to make sure only one is used by your keyboard for sending the notes. Hope this helps.

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