Payment Problem
I either accidentally paid twice for a subscription, or MuseScore billed me twice. Either way, I need to have one of the charges reversed. There doesn't seem to be any way to get in touch with the billing 'department' (doesn't seem to be one).
If anyone can help me figure this out, or tell me who to talk to, I'd greatly appreciate it.
Chris Brabb
In reply to See: https://help.musescore… by cadiz1
Well, this sucks. I like MuseScore, but I don't like the fact that Google is in charge of fixing this issue, because they have no fix. The original transaction was through PayPal, and they also referred me back to Google. Ugh... working with Google on this issue is like talking to a holographic wall, that doesn't talk back. Hopefully I get $80 worth of value from this application. Because I paid twice as much for it as I needed too - $10 more than the retail price of a PRO+ subscription. I was excited to purchase this because I'm broke, and it was a special offer of $20 off. But now I get to pay more. So exciting. In the future, It would be nice to have actual payment options, rather than all roads leading through Google Pay.
In reply to Well, this sucks. I like… by chrisbrabb
Google has got nothing to do with this at all
In reply to Google has got nothing to do… by Jojo-Schmitz
Are you going to help me get my money back from Google? Otherwise how is this comment helping? I got double billed. Whether it was my fault or MuseScore I don't know. But I have no way to be reimbursed. If you know of a way please let me know. Thanks.
In reply to Are you going to help me get… by chrisbrabb
You are missing the points.
1) This has nothing to do with Google.
2) This has nothing to do with
Your payment was with and that's where you to take your complaint and seek redress.
In reply to Are you going to help me get… by chrisbrabb
How it it helping to bark up the wrong tree? THERE IS NO PAYMENT ON MUSESCORE.ORG, HENCE NO REIMBURSMENT
And still Google has got nothing to do with it, seems you confused something.
In reply to How it it helping to bark up… by Jojo-Schmitz
Where on MuseScore.COM is there a contact link? I've searched high and low. My credit card was bill BY GOOGLE PAY for my Musescore PRO+ subscription. I feel like you are trying to convince me that I didn't pay Musescore through Google. I did. Twice. But the forum was my last hope to try and get understanding on how to resolve the issue. All I am getting instead is gaslighting about Google, and pointing me back to which apparently can't be contacted. If you guys know of any way to contact MuseScore.COM, please be kind enough to help a fellow musician and shoot me a link.
In reply to Where on MuseScore.COM is… by chrisbrabb
I gave you the link in my first reply:
Then unwind the articles to find what you want (you didn't mention Google Play in your first message, you should have looked a little further down the links)
I quote: "NOTE: You can't change the payment method for your Google/Apple subscription at the website. If you were charged by Google this official article will help you to change your payment method via Google."
In reply to Where on MuseScore.COM is… by chrisbrabb
Google Pay is not Google, it is just a payservice like Visa or Master Card
And you payed on/for (so is the wrong place), and yes there is a contact form, bottom left
In reply to Google Pay is not Google, it… by Jojo-Schmitz
Again, thank you. I must have missed the contact form. Thought I looked everywhere, which is the only reason I asked for community help at
In reply to Where on MuseScore.COM is… by chrisbrabb
See How and where to ask for support
In reply to See How and where to ask for… by Jojo-Schmitz
Thank you.