help with voice selection

• Jan 16, 2025 - 19:27

In the musical piece I am working on I have v1 and v2 in the top staff. In the first measure I want to select v1 in order to add lyrics but it only selects v2. Is there away to bring v1 forward so it is on top? I suppose I could drag v2 out of the way temporarily but there has to be a better way, right?

Attachment Size
O Cor Amoris - Lady Lake.mscz 35.09 KB


Click on a note that is in the Voice you want and not in any other. Then use the Right or Left arrows to move to the previous or next note in that voice.

Alternatively, click on any note at the position you want to begin your lyrics. If the selected note is not in the Voice you want to attach something to, use Alt+Up or Alt+Down to move to the next note up or down in a chord and then in the next Voice in that direction.

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