Clef, key and time signature obscure first bar in Continuous (Horizontal) view.

• Jan 19, 2025 - 18:07

Continuous (Horizontal) View does not take account of the width of the courtesy clef, key and time signature once scrolling starts. Hence the first bar is obscured, both in note entry and in playback.

In the screenshots below, the first begins at Bar 80, which is hidden by the courtesy signatures. Playing from bar 81, the display jumps after bar 88 to the second screen, but bar 89 is obscured.

This also happens in Note Entry mode, when entering notes in bar 88 and then 89.

Incidentally, I notice that part of bar 88 is off the end of the display, so this is never properly shown.

There are two options to solve this issue:
1. Jump at the end of the last complete bar (87 in this example) and display this bar at the left edge. This bar would be obscured, but that doesn't matter as we've already seen it. This option would alleviate the need for calculating a left margin.
2. Implement a true scrolling view, which shifts one bar at a time when the note entry or playback cursor is a defined distance (perhaps 1 or two bars) from the display edge.

Either should be possible since (I assume) the necessary calculations are already being used to implement current behaviour. Which is easiest would depend on the details of the current coding.

Attachment Size
Santa Lucia Bar 80.png 451.62 KB
Santa Lucia Bar 89.png 456.34 KB


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