Font for fractions

• Jan 20, 2025 - 13:15

Hello! When editing a score for classical guitar, I would like to have a consistente font for fractions in MS. Please, see the attached file. Does exist a solution? Thank you!

Attachment Size
Screenshot_2.png 66.37 KB


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I was quite surprised, but it did.

mchiapparini : I created a System Text field (Staff Text would work just as well) and entered the ⅓ symbol from the Insert special characters / Common symbols space, as shown in Jojo's screenshot above (the blank space immediately right of ¾). Then I edited that field and copied (Ctrl+C) that character from the field. Then I selected the barre code and pasted (Ctrl+V) into the beginning of the Properties tab / Text line / Text / Beginning text field.

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