
• Jan 23, 2025 - 19:59

I was playing around with a new piece, and just seeing what musescore could do. When I got to "Arpeggios and Glissandos" I discovered "Fall" "Doit" "Plop" etc. I used them in my piece where I saw fit, and continued composing. Coming back to it a month later, and they don't work properly. They do the action required, but don't play the actual note. I have not altered it, and when I try to fix it the same thing continues. (It should be said that its seems to be selecting them at random, and that the program is not telling me there is anything wrong with it) Is this intended? Or am I missing something.

I posted the original song on my YouTube before the glitch happened, which I'll link here.

A copy of the broken file is included.

Attachment Size
The Saintalus.mscz 36.92 KB

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