Playback is measures behind!
I have been using Musescore 4 for a few hours tonight and having absolutely no problems with playback. Then all of a sudden I make a change on a few notes in the same score I’ve been working on and go to set the playback a few measures to hear how it is now and the playback is like 5-6 measures behind where the tracking cursor is at least! Nothing fixes it except for me saving the score, closing it and reopening it. But then I have to do that after every time I make a change if I want to hear the playback correctly and at the right spot. I even restarted my laptop. Same issue. Anyone else have this issue or a fix?
Using version Revision 2232670
LG Gram i7, 24 gb ram, 2 tb hardrive.
I can't replicate this from your description. However, it sounds a little like something I've seen. By chance do you have the Playback Panel undocked from the toolbar and have you adjusted the percentage playback speed thereon?