Why do my Tuplets consist of "minim" notes, when I want them to look like Grieg's piano run as shown below in the two pictures (one is my current comp and one is Grieg).
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Screenshot 2025-02-14 214109.png | 32.09 KB |
Screenshot 2025-02-14 214234.png | 39.09 KB |
Isn't that a 27 rather than a 22?
and surely not 22 (or 27) in the space of 2 (minims), but in the space of 16 (16ths)
Your picture is a bit blurry but looks like double-line beams. Select a minim rest, Add >Tuplets >Other then use ratio 27:8 (or 27:16 if you want triple lines).
These are identical; simply copied from one measure to the next. The only difference is that I told it to display only the number on the second. The first has the ratio ... which tells you how to create it.
Oh, I tilted the ottava alta (I think that's the right spelling?) because I had the tuplet bracket displayed at first.
In reply to These are identical; simply… by TheHutch
The OPs example is in 4/4, not in 2/4, AFAICT
Ah! The blurry image is not, that's indeed in 2/4
In reply to The OPs example is in 4/4, … by Jojo-Schmitz
If it is supposed to be 4/4, I think the correct ratio will be 27:16 rather than 27:8. (Didn't actually try it.)
In reply to If it is supposed to be 4/4,… by TheHutch