Musescore Crashes when deleting an instrument

• Feb 15, 2025 - 14:30

Please find attached a score with two instruments... Electric Guitar and Accoustic Guitar.

When attempting to delete the Electric Guitar musescore crashes, without deleting the instrument.

Some possible insights:
* The score started out as ELECTRIC guitar only, with a linked TAB.
* I attempted to drop the ELECTRIC guitar and linked tab, but it crashed.
* I was able to drop the TAB with no issues, but still unable to drop the ELECTRIC guitar
* After moving the ACOUSTIC guitar to be the #1 instrument attempts to drop the ELECTRIC guitar still crashes musescore.

I assume the attached diagnostics file contains all of the system/environment info needed.



I cannot reproduce the crash. No problem here, I can remove the Electric guitar (version 4.4.4, Windows10)
In the Instruments panel, I select the Electric Guitar, then click on the recycle bin, and get a score with the Acoustic Guitar alone.
See: 1My Funny Valentine - Crash.mscz

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Famous last words (in the logs):

2025-02-15T18:51:18.620 | DEBUG | main_thread | Score::endCmd | Undo stack current macro child count: 224
2025-02-15T18:51:18.622 | ERROR | main_thread | crashCallback | Oops! Application crashed with signal: [11] SIGSEGV-Invalid memory reference

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