Nightly problem (EDIT: solved?)
EDIT: It's the next morning, and despite this happening multiple times in a row last night, I can't replicate the issue in a video this morning. I'm thinking it may have just been a memory issue? Anyways, I rescind the fact that it's a problem for now. I'll keep an eye on what actually causes it.
So, I'm trying out 4.5, and I've found that whenever I try to use a mordent (the pralltriller is fine) Musescore 4.5 crashes. I know it's not a fully finalized version, just thought this might be worth mentioning.
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Can you attach musescore file or reproduce this crash from scratch?
I can't reproduce it.
Need step-by-step instructions.
In reply to Can you attach musescore… by mercuree
Well, I tried to get a screen capture of it happening this morning, and despite it happening about 3 times in a row last night, it didn't do it this morning. So maybe it was a memory issue with what I was working with (A single Bach Chorale)