No, that adds a local key sig, to that staff only.
So you'd need to do it to all staves, as a workaround
The handbook does mention this to be possible, see Note: It is also possible, though uncommon, to add a key-signature mid measure by selecting a note then clicking a palette key signature, or dragging the key signature to a note.
But if there was a built in (or plugin?) command to do all the necessary steps in one go, the user wouldn't see the cheating. There could be some puzzlement if they tried to do something like select the measure that had been split when they would that only half of it is included.
"How do you add key changes in the middle of a bar"
The OP wants to change keys in the middle of a bar. Yes? Why do it with a key signature. They didn't ask how to add a key signature in the middle of a bar. They asked about a key change. Key signature is only one way to do that.
I thought the general definition of a software bug was something that made the software malfunction. Is the ability to do a mid measure key change still in the software?
Given that changing the key signature in the middle of a bar is rather unusual (as far as i know, a case not covered by musical 'grammar' manuals, and in my opinion rightly so), you could also do this: move the key signature via the horizontal offset and also 'adjust' the position of some other element; possibly 'adjust' the notes that sound 'wrong' by tuning them in cents (100cent = 1 semitone): this only if you are interested in making the score sound correctly. This too, of course, is cheating... eh eh eh
Select note or rest, click on keysig in palette
In reply to Select note or rests, click… by Jojo-Schmitz
yep i tried that but it wherever i tried it went to the start of the bar
In reply to yep i tried that but it went… by babacm8E
Works fine in Mu3, but indeed not in Mu4
In reply to Works fine in Mu3, but… by Jojo-Schmitz
yep i am using mu4
In reply to yep i am using mu4 by babacm8E
Seems a regression in 4.1, worked in 4.0
In reply to yep i tried that but it went… by babacm8E
Hold Ctrl while applying the key sig, that works in Mu4
Probably a delibarate change, not a bug
In reply to Hold Ctrl while applying the… by Jojo-Schmitz
No, that adds a local key sig, to that staff only.
So you'd need to do it to all staves, as a workaround
The handbook does mention this to be possible, see
Note: It is also possible, though uncommon, to add a key-signature mid measure by selecting a note then clicking a palette key signature, or dragging the key signature to a note.
Seems a bug after all, please report on GitHub
In reply to No, that adds a local key… by Jojo-Schmitz
I just did, see
In reply to No, that adds a local key… by Jojo-Schmitz
As per… that is intentional :-(
In reply to As per… by Jojo-Schmitz
The procedure now is to split the measure before adding the key signature, as per this discussion.
Perhaps the split, renumber measures, hide barline, add keep measures together process could (should?) be made automatic.
In reply to The procedure now is to… by SteveBlower
That's the cheating the OP mentiones
In reply to That's the cheating the OP… by Jojo-Schmitz
But if there was a built in (or plugin?) command to do all the necessary steps in one go, the user wouldn't see the cheating. There could be some puzzlement if they tried to do something like select the measure that had been split when they would that only half of it is included.
In reply to But if there was a built in … by SteveBlower
The hidden barline will, regardles being hidden, change the layout.
In reply to The hidden barline will,… by Jojo-Schmitz
Hmm? isn't that a bug? I thought hidden items shouldn't affect layout.
In reply to Hmm? isn't that a bug? I… by SteveBlower
It certainly is a bug that it doesn't work mid-measure anymore
Why not change key in the next measure and use accidentals before. I've seen that done.
In reply to Why not change key in the… by bobjp
Because that's not the question being asked.
In reply to Because that's not the… by Jojo-Schmitz
"How do you add key changes in the middle of a bar"
The OP wants to change keys in the middle of a bar. Yes? Why do it with a key signature. They didn't ask how to add a key signature in the middle of a bar. They asked about a key change. Key signature is only one way to do that.
In reply to "How do you add key changes… by bobjp
Fair enough, missed that.
Still the inability to use a key signature mid-measure is a bug that got introduced with 4.1
In reply to Fair enough, missed that… by Jojo-Schmitz
Some earlier discussion on the topic
In reply to Fair enough, missed that… by Jojo-Schmitz
Maybe it was a correction and not a bug.
In reply to Maybe it was a correction… by bobjp
I very much doubt this.
In reply to I very much doubt this. by Jojo-Schmitz
I thought the general definition of a software bug was something that made the software malfunction. Is the ability to do a mid measure key change still in the software?
In reply to I thought the general… by bobjp
It was possible for a long time up to Musescore 4.0.2 and is no longer. It wasn't a bug that is was possible, so this is a regression
Given that changing the key signature in the middle of a bar is rather unusual (as far as i know, a case not covered by musical 'grammar' manuals, and in my opinion rightly so), you could also do this: move the key signature via the horizontal offset and also 'adjust' the position of some other element; possibly 'adjust' the notes that sound 'wrong' by tuning them in cents (100cent = 1 semitone): this only if you are interested in making the score sound correctly. This too, of course, is cheating... eh eh eh
as a clarification,
how do you change key signatures in the middle of a bar
In reply to as a clarification, how do… by babacm8E
Select a (mid-measure) note, clock on a key signature in the corresponding palette