strange appearance

• Feb 22, 2025 - 21:33


Using Musescore 4 I encounter a problem when I transfer a score to a MP4 (YouTube).
It is a SATB score for my choir. Making the MP4 is not a problem, however when playing back there are two systems visable above each other, twice SATB. I'd like to have full screen solely SATB.

Who can help me out?


1) First, this sub-forum is intended to be used for people to show off their completed scores. You would probably be better off posting this elsewhere.

2) Second, the question of where. Making the MP4 is obviously the problem: the video you are creating is not the video you intend to create. However, this action (making an MP4) is not something that the MuseScore Studio application does. You should probably consult a forum which discusses whatever application you are using to create the video.

That said, it might be that the video is getting two systems of the score on a "page" so to speak? If that's the case, you might try displaying the score in Continuous view (horizontal) rather than Page view (near the lower right of the MuseScore Studio screen). Purest guess!

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