Other Clef Styles?

• Feb 26, 2025 - 01:43

So, we have French Bass and French C clefs, but what about an alternate treble clef that looks better with those? Further, why don't we have an option for the 19th century Tenor Clef (see attached picture) when we have other clefs that aren't really used anymore? I'm just curious why we get options for the other clefs to use, but not for Treble clefs.

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askGI.png 14.88 KB


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

It is! Thank you! I'm also curious about older styles of treble clef that would match well with the alternate older styles of C and Bass clef. because it just looks weird to me, using the 18th and 19th century French bass clefs and the 18th century C clef with the modern Treble Clef, if that makes sense. Though there seems to be no alternative to the Treble Clef.

"Further, why don't we have an option for the 19th century Tenor Clef (see attached picture)?"
Look under Master Palette (Shift-F9)>>Symbols>>Clefs.
So, in theory, you could enter the pitches using a g-clef with an 8-subscript, hide that clef, and replace it with the one from the symbols palette. Heck, you could even do it in Petaluma--'cause nothing says 19th c. British choral music like a holographic jazz font! Of course, you'd have to do again for each system, so it might not be worth the effort:-(

Although, if you think about it, the clef, as it appears in your .png file, doesn't really make sense--the whole point of a c-clef is that the bracket circles the "c"--notice that in your file, it circles the d-line, not the c-space. I noticed that in the SMuFL versions, the bracket is moved down a bit, and does, in fact, circle the c-space.

Attachment Size
Everybody Loves a Tenor.mscz 20.2 KB

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