Stave lines disappear

• Feb 26, 2025 - 09:57

I'm in Windows11 with an NVidia GeForce RTX 4060 Ti display adaptor. I'm work on a score with 2 flute parts, 2 oboe parts, 2 clarinet parts, 2 bassoon parts, 1 horn, 1 trumpet, 3 different trombone parts, a timpani and strings. The view setting is at 100%. For some reason, some staves have missing lines. When I move the score about, the missing stave effect occurs for random instruments.

Can I change a setting to make this stop happening? What am I doing wrong?

Attachment Size
MissingLines.jpg 172.44 KB


Thanks to all who have looked into my little conundrum. I'm beginning to think that it might have something to do with the page setup, specifically a custom height. It wasn't doing this dropping/hiding-lines-from-staves thing in the default setting but when I changed it to something custom (as my score was sort-of outside the white area, that's when that behaviour started. Not a showstopper, but a bit annoying. If someone wanted to share a good page setup (height/width) for like, an A3 sheet or whatever is best for FULL ORCHESTRA, I'd be hugely appreciative.

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