Muse Sounds not working
I downloaded MuseHub. I signed into MuseHub. I downloaded Muse Drumline. I downloaded MuseScore 4. I signed into MuseScore 4. I opened a new score. I added snare, quad, bass, cymbals. I tried writing with it. I noticed it sounded bad. I opened the mixer. I saw that my instruments were using "MS Basic" and not "Muse Drumline". There is no option to switch to Muse Drumline. I don't know what to do. How do I make the Muse Drumline sounds work?
There is no sign in for MuseScore 4.
Anyway go to View>Playback setup and activate Muse sounds. You might have to restart MuseScore.
In reply to There is no sign in for… by bobjp
The button is grayed out, I attached an image
In reply to There is no sign in for… by bobjp
I don't think MuseScore is detecting that I have installed MuseSounds :(
In reply to There is no sign in for… by bobjp
I'm stupid its cuz i didnt install muse drumline, now its working, thanks