My Musescore has gone wrong
I was working on a score, and everything has just gone jumbled, on all my scores.
My version is 4.4.1 is this the latest? is it because i am on windows 10 ?
Also all my recent scores are gone
I was working on a score, and everything has just gone jumbled, on all my scores.
My version is 4.4.1 is this the latest? is it because i am on windows 10 ?
Also all my recent scores are gone
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4.4.1 is not the latest, 4.4.4 is. And 4.5.0 is just around the corner
None of your scores is gone, just the lost of recent scores. MuseScore can't delete scores...
First try Help > Revert to factory settings
Then update to 4.4.4
Or the other way round