Mouse touch produces wrong note

• Mar 12, 2025 - 03:10

If I click on either a euphonium or tuba note with the mouse, it plays a note half a step higher than indicated. However, when the entire ensemble plays, it sounds just fine.
I've tried tying those notes over to the next measure, and they sound correct coming out of the ensemble. But after the playing stops, I click the notes with my mouse, and they sound wrong again. It's kind of baffling.
I can deal with this, I guess, but it would be a lot easier if everything worked correctly.

Attachment Size
A Mouse In The House.mscz 38.86 KB


Interesting. Pitches are correct on my system. I checked with a tuner. Have you tried different dynamics? Or select the euphonium measure and hit R? And/or re-write the measure in a third measure?

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