Midi and multi-timbral instruments - DAW like behaviour
It is possible to use external instrument libraries within MU4.5.
One such library is the Orchestral Tools -> Berlin -> Free Orchestra.
This comes up with a control panel from which it is possible to select each instrument - the SINE player
If instruments are assigned using the control panel multiple copies will appear on the screen - which is inconvenient to say the least.
However if the same instrument library is used in a DAW, such as Logic, it is possible to use the SINE player as a multi-timbral instrument.
To do that set up a new instrument "track" in the DAW [Logic] and declare it as a multi-timbral instrument.
Link that instrument to the SINE player in the control strips.
Then in the SINE player, select the instruments wanted - in order, and load the articulations.
What that will do is to load each instrument patch to Midi channels within the multi-timbral instrument in ascending numeric order.
Then treat each individual track in the multi-timbral instrument as a separate instrument - and the appropriate sounds will be heard on playback.
Is it possible to use this kind of technique in MU4.5, assigning individual instruments to mult-timbral instrument patches in a VST library?
If so, how?
Currenly for VST libraries which present several instruments in this way it is possible to use multi-timbral players - such as SINE player to a limited extent. One way is to explicity link each score line with its own SINE player panel - but that will get very unwieldy very quickly for large scores.
The other way is to export the score to Midi, and use a DAW to sort out the multi-timbral instrument assignment.
If this could be done directly in MuseScore it would save having to output Midi and use a DAW in order to "play" instruments from a multi-timbral instrument library player.
So - is this possible?