Score comparison incorrect on MuseScore 3.7.0 Evolution.

• Mar 22, 2025 - 14:36

I have two installations of MS. 3.6.2 and 3.7.0 (MS 3.6.2 version.jpg and MS 3.7.0 version.jpg )
There are two files created with MS 3.6.2 and updated with MS 3.7.0:
Bala Com Bala - F 241125.mscz
Bala Com Bala-F-Cc.mscz

1) MS 3.6.2 comparison results both in intelligent mode and in raw mode are correct:
MS 3.6.2 intel comp.jpg
MS 3.6.2 raw comp.jpg
2) MS 3.7.0 comparison doesn't work at all, both in intelligent or raw mode:
MS 3.7.0 intel comp.jpg
MS 3.7.0 raw comp.jpg

Two scores, created and updated in MS 3.6.2 show incorrect comparison results, in intelligent mode.

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