Inquiry on how to do Repeats Segno & Coda within a Medley

• Mar 22, 2025 - 17:27

Hi all - Our small band does a lot of medleys, and I'm confounded how to do a particular one.

I've created an abbreviated mscz file as an example with sort of placeholder music in it, the song GIY followed by the song MIOO. What I want to do is have GIY played first, then jump to MIOO, then end by going back to GIY and playing it one last time and ending.

The GIY song has a AA B A Coda "next song" structure. The MIOO song is just a simpler AA structure, you'll see text markers in the file that match this.

At the end of MIOO I have a D.S. al Fine to go back to the very beginning. In the properties for the D.S. I checked "Play Repeats".

Now actually everything works really swell until the first song GIY is played for the second time. What happens is the D.S. al Coda in measure 11 seemingly runs out of juice, it no longer works like the first time through and the playback head just sails right through it into the Coda.

I grant that I am probably not approaching how to do this correctly. To expect the D.S. al Fine at the end to make this work is maybe too big a leap. For my band members I can just put in copious notes which may be sufficient but it would be nice if I could get MuseScore to play it correctly so I could generate an MP3. Anyway, any thoughts are appreciated.

Attachment Size
Question.mscz 37.69 KB


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