Import PDF

• Mar 23, 2025 - 14:11

Hi, Is it possible to import PDF files from somewhere other than Musescore? I have some that were created in Maestro and would like to get then into Musescore instead, but I only seem to be able to import from the Musescore library.


MuseScore itself doesn't import PDFs at all. It does use a service on, which in turn uses (an outdated and non-configurable) version of Audiveris.
Which is all but one possible program for OMR.

Do some digging through past threads for another with a very similar title. It included names and info about half a dozen (??) OMR applications with comments on how well they worked, where to get them, and how much they cost.

Sorry, I don't have a link to that thread handy, but it should be fairly easy to find.

Do you already have the PDF?

I'm a long-time user of, and firm believer in SmartScore. Pricey, but worth every penny if you do a lot of this. You scan the music , or open the PDF if you already have it, correct the few (but inevitable) errors, and save as an XML. MuseScore can open the XML. There is definitely a learning curve. I'm happy to help, if you need it. There are also some tutorial videos on their site.

SmartScore also has some lower-priced versions with restrictions on the number of staves. One of them might do the trick for you.

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